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Every Time You Tap...

Tapping on specific meridian points while an emotional charge is activated allows for the following to occur:

Image by Kiril Krsteski

Cortisol Decreases

Research shows that cortisol levels drop by at least 43% during Clinical EFT Tapping sessions.

Football outside Jakarta_edited.jpg

Rewire Programming

Subconscious programming (which informs 95% of your thinking and decision making) occurs during ages 0-7. Research shows Clinical EFT enables the subconscious mind to undo and rewire ineffective programming.

Image by Joel Heaps

Heal Trauma

Tapping on the points while emotionally attaching, by using safe techniques, to stored trauma sends a new calming signal to the subconscious mind that it is safe to release and rewire.

Summer Fun

72 Gene Expressions

Studies show that at least 72 gene expressions are positively influenced through Clinical EFT sessions.

Morning Mist over Forest

Pain Relief

Pain comes with a few layers including the emotional component. Clinical EFT Tapping does not cure pain, but has shown to help reduce pain by 68%.

Meditate at the beach

Flow State

My personal experience has been living in a flow state that is easily accessible with EFT. I live more in the present moment feeling happy from a light-filled space that comes from within.

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